Softwares for all categories of business
Alb @ Soft will build not only a software to your own requirements but also will turn this into an instrument by which you attain success.
Our philosophy: "The software fits the client and not the client fits the software."
Manylarge and small businesses have entrusted us asking us to build software to enable better management of their business by commissioning softwares "ad-hoc". One of them is "Mobileri Tirana" that is built from scratch an ERP that enables the management of three main blocks as production, sales and administration staff. The system is based on client-server infrastructure enabling financial and management interactivity between physical points location prevalent in Republic of Albania..
Another complex system designed and implemented by our company is "ASSkyNet" which enables better management of the whole process of working on the import-export company "SkyNet". Like the previous system, this system is based on client-server infrastructure which enables interactivity between different points with the headquarters company "SkyNet". The system built for the company "SkyNet" is able to manage a large amount of documents in digital format as well as interacting with a number of European customs systems that exchanges data that concern the company.
But Alb@Soft has worked with many state agencies where we can distinguish the "Center of Agricultural Technology Transfer" which is built on a client-server system which manages all of the agricultural land cadastral maps of the Republic of Albania. The system is able to identify a geographic coordinates on the map and provide data to various cadastral parcels.
Alb@Soft Bar
Software for the management of bar-restaurants enabling receiving orders and customer invoices generation, bar and restaurant. It consists of the main module, the fiscal casing (suitable for all fiscal cases approved by the ministry of finance) and customers module ...
Alb@Soft Exchange
Software for better management of monetary exchange offices. This product manages financially sales, purchases, entrances and exits of different currencies and block clients. Which consists of financial module allows the time balances, financial book of clients and financial reports ...
Alb@soft Datawarehouse
Software for managing such big warehouses supermarkets, warehouses import-export, wholesale warehouses etc. This product manages financially sales, purchases, entrances, exits, and block supplies the customers. Which consists of financial module allows the time balances and financial book ...
ASExchange 2.0.0
Presentation of a new version of software for the management of a Exchange company.
ASBar 4.0.0
The launch of the newest version of software for the management of a bar-restaurant.
Briefly about us

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AlbaSoft was established in 2010 by some young graduate of computing in Western universities. Philosophy which is based AlbaSoft: "The software fits the man and not man's software." We are specialists in developing and producing projects "outlines and try" for businesses and Albanian. Since its inception in 2009 AlbaSoft has built a reputation for supplying innovative solutions in custom software ave, particularly in the business sector. AlbaSoft provides software development and services ave organizations and businesses in the area of management and data management.
AlbaSoft offers computerized program builded on your personal needs where the software will fit the costumer and not the costumer fit the software. This philosophy enables all client needs to facilitate the work will be translated into program functions as a risurseve optimal management can not be used in existing computer software market.